A child’s first word is usually “dada,” then “mama,” and then “mine” follows closely behind. Sharing doesn’t come naturally to children and seems to get more challenging during preschool. For many children, preschool is the first social setting they’re truly immersed in, which can be a tough transition regarding sharing. When a child is used to playing at home, they don’t have to share toys often. That’s not the case when they go to preschool, however. There, they will have plenty of opportunities to develop their sharing skills.
Sharing truly is a skill that children have to develop. It may not come naturally, but they can still learn to be great sharers. It just takes some practice! To help, we have compiled a list of things you can do with your child to encourage sharing. Whether to prepare them for preschool or help them develop their sharing skills, teaching a child to share can be challenging, but it is an essential life skill.
Here are some tips that may help:
- Start Early: Start teaching your child to share as early as possible. It is easier to teach a child a new habit when they are young.
- Lead by Example: Children learn by watching their parents and caregivers. Ensure you set a good example by sharing with others in front of your child.
- Praise Good Behavior: Praise your child when they share with others. Positive reinforcement can go a long way in helping a child learn a new behavior.
- Set Clear Expectations: Explain to your child what sharing means and why it is essential. Be clear about your expectations and the consequences of not sharing.
- Practice Patience: Be patient and understanding when your child struggles with sharing. It takes time and practice to master this skill.
- Play Games: Play games that require sharing, such as taking turns with toys or playing a game that requires sharing pieces.
- Encourage Empathy: Help your child understand how others feel when they don’t share. Please encourage them to consider how they would feel in the same situation.
Remember that every child is different and may learn at their own pace. Be patient and keep trying; your child will eventually learn to share with others.