Say I Love You -5 tips to show your preschooler

Tip & Tricks

Saying “I love you” to your kids is so important! Verbally expressing your adoration for them is one of the best ways to show them you love them. However, love doesn’t just have to be something that’s said. Love is also a verb! Tangibly showing your preschooler you love them will completely change how they feel and receive love. Check out five ways to show your preschooler you love them:

Ask them about their day

Any 2 through 5-year-old considers their day at preschool a big deal! While the day may seem short to you, it’s long and filled with endless excitement for them. When they arrive home from school, their brains are likely swirling with memories of the events from their day. A great way to show them you love them is by asking them about their day! Your preschooler will enjoy filling you in on everything they did and feel loved and cared for just by your wanting to know about their day. You could take it a step further with follow-up questions. These from Scholastic are great!

Engage in their favorite hobby with them

Does your preschooler like to color, kick a soccer ball, listen to music, or have a hobby they enjoy doing? If so, engaging in that hobby with them is another excellent way to show them you love them. Finding interest in what they are interested in shows them that what they like and who they are matters to you. They will also enjoy the quality time they spend with you!

Read a book to them

If your preschooler loves reading books, this one may be the best way to show them you love them. Make a big deal out of your reading time with them! Snuggle up in their favorite spot with their favorite pillows and blankets, allowing them to pick out the books. They will feel so special and loved knowing that you made a big deal out of something as simple as reading to them. Slowing down and taking the time to do this with your preschooler will make them feel invested in and cared for.

Invite them into your world

Another great way to show your preschooler you love them is by inviting them into your world. What we mean by this is having them join you for something you would only sometimes have them join you for. It could be as simple as a cleaning project in your home or running errands around town. Something that seems as mundane as taking them to the grocery store with you is an excellent way of letting them peek into your world. You may think it’ll seem boring to them, but you’ll be surprised by how loved they feel getting to come alongside you for a particular task!

Pray for them

There is no better way to show your children you love them than praying for them. Nothing compares to praying for God’s blessings and protection over them, whether privately, with your spouse, or out loud for them to hear. Allow them to listen to you doing this. Not only will it instill the practice of prayer into them, but they will feel special knowing that you pray to God about them. You will set an example of prayer for them, and they will see they are a blessing to you and God.

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